
The PET/MR imaging operates two scanners dedicated entirely to brain research. Collaborators wishing to conduct a study are encouraged to read our research section. The Siemens High Resolution Research Tomograph (HRRT), until recently the highest resolution dedicated brain scanner, has been retired in 2024.

We welcome inquiries about utilizing our advanced scanners for your research. Our staff are happy to provide assistance in designing and optimizing your study protocols.

SIGNA PET-MRI hybrid scanner (GE Healthcare)

The Signa PET-MRI hybrid scanner is dedicated to research specializing in but not limited to that of the human brain. The scanner is in the Charles E. Fipke Integrated Neuroimaging Suite located in the lower level of the Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health.


MILabs simultaneous sub-mm PET-SPECT provides highly quantitative images with unprecedented high and uniform resolution, even of several tracers imaged simultaneously. The scanner is located in the UBC Centre for Comparative Medicine.